Design Decisions with Your Partner
Have you ever found yourself completely out of sync with your partner’s design choices around the house? It could be as small as their insistence to keep a nasty recliner from college, to as big as not agreeing on their design aesthetic. If you know what I’m talking about, then you are definitely not alone!
No matter what crazy, out-of-this-world ideas you and your partner have, there are ways to come together and to find a style that is balanced and all your own. Here are three ways to connect and align with your partner on any design.
What are your MUST HAVES for the space?
Have each person spend some time thinking about what they really want for the space. Separately make a list of these must-haves, or things that must go.
Kitchen island
Walk-in closet
Larger garage for all the outdoor gear
Reading nook
Outdoor entertaining space
After you have your list, compare it with your partner’s. Where can you compromise on ideas? Make a joint must-have list for this amazing space you are creating together.
What is the FEELING you want for the space?
Make a list of how you both want the space to make you feel and anyone who comes over to feel.
How a space makes you feel is important! This feeling is the energy you want to surround yourself and others with. Think of waking up, going to the kitchen to make yourself a warm cup of coffee. When you step into your new kitchen that is bright, refreshing and clean; how do you feel? Joyful? Energized? Happy? Do you have a bigger smile on your face even before the coffee is ready? That feeling is what you want to create.
Use VISUALS & DREAM together
Visual inspiration is a wonderful way to share your ideas and could be easier to convey than words or phrases. Collect images you see in magazines, online or on social media. Have a shared photo album or Pinterest board. When adding ideas to this dream board, try not to judge your partner's vision or dream. Once you have all the photos in one place, take some time to come together and go through the ideas. Make this a calm atmosphere; grab a cup of coffee or cocktail and wind down in a comfortable, loving space. You want this time to be productive. Going over your dreams for your new space when you are in the middle of dinner with the kids screaming is NOT productive.
Once you are ready to dive into your visions, start looking at the collection together without saying anything at first. Just soak in the beauty of these ideas. Do you see a common theme? Are there colors, textures or design styles that you both love? Narrow down your ideas by deleting pictures that you both agree can go. When you are done, you will have a collection of ideas that you have created together.
If you’re still a bit stuck, then seek the advice from a professional. Think of us like a therapist for your design needs. We can help you see ideas that you may not have thought about, help you come to a collaborative design decision to make your new space be your favorite room in the house.
Make designing a space with your partner a fun and creative time. If you start feeling overwhelmed or stressed out by the process, take a break. You can always come back to the discussion. Remember this is your space you are creating together and it needs to have the personality of each of you. Love each other's ideas for a happy design creation.